2021 impact report


What if we flipped the definition and defined hangry as we are angry for those living with the issue of hunger?

This is the simple question that we brought up back in 2015 when we started the hangry race series. That was the start of this amazing journey of helping those living with food insecurities. Never would I have imagined though that since then we would have raised over $35,000 to support our community! 

Over the summer of 2020, we realized that there was a large need for support as the pandemic took its toll and we wanted to do more. So in January 2021 we formed hangry as a 501(c)(3) and had determined that we were going to hit the ground running. However with your support we were able to accomplish more than we had expected making a far greater impact than we could have imagined!

This past year has had its challenges and it helped us to grow stronger and has continued to help shape where we believe hangry can have the largest impact for those living with food insecurities in our community. We continually look for opportunities to support organizations and systems already in place to make sure we aren’t reinventing the wheel and are able to make a larger impact coming together. We are growing and we are learning, but we are so thankful for your continued support knowing how important the topic of food insecurities is across our communities. 

I am beyond excited with what 2022 will bring and the impact that we will all make together. There are people in our community living with the issue of hunger and we are doing something about it!

Jonathan Flores
Co-Founder/Executive Director



3,845 lbs

food donated from our food drives

One of the primary ways that we supported those in need last year was through our local food drives. Every quarter we organized a food drive that would a benefit a different food pantry in our community.

Through monetary donations and food being collected on site, we were able to make a huge impact to fill the shelves of pantries in need throughout our community!

2,245 lbs

food donated from our weekly shopping trips

We knew the need to fill the pantries was more than we could provide with just our food drives, so we looked for additional ways to make an impact. Kaela started our weekly shopping trips where we would head to local groceries weekly and end up loading our car with multiple shopping carts of shelf stable foods! This allowed us to target the needs of the food pantries directly and make sure we were purchasing the items they actually needed to support their neighbors and community partners.


" We are grateful for the continued support of the Hangry team over the past several years. We have partnered with them on fundraising 5k events and food drives for Heart to Heart.

In 2021, Hangry held a hugely successful drive for our food pantry and collected 1,871 pounds in donations. Our food pantry served 17,824 individuals last year, and these donations were incredibly helpful in that effort, especially during the pandemic. The Hangry team is a wonderful group of volunteers always willing to do what it takes to get the job done! "

- Amy Caskie, First Community




meals provided through hangry gear sales!


Our hangry gear is one of the most important ways we spread the purpose and mission of hangry. Not only does all of our merchandise look and feel amazing, but with every item purchased we are able to provide meals to families in need through Feeding America. We had a few hangry gear campaigns in 2021 with new colors and styles and we are looking forward to sharing some new additions to our store soon!


"Not only is each piece a quality product, it’s a conversation starter! Hangry is such a common phrase that many people come up and ask about what I’m wearing. Each time I get to talk about people living in hunger and what we can do to help.  Hangry is an excellent organization and I am proud to wear a quality product that represents everything they stand for. "

- Cassidy, hangry hero



hangry isn’t about us but rather it is supporting our community and the organizations that are on the ground helping those living with food insecurities. Our hangry heroes continually rise to the challenge when we notice a need in the community. We partner along side of organizations in need of volunteers and commit to bringing hangry heroes to support the cause. 

In addition to our hangry heroes, we have been honored to help with community projects hosted by others. We have partnered with individuals and small groups wanting to make a difference for those living with food insecurities but didn’t have the resources to make it happen. From purchasing Bob Evans breakfast for a small group to deliver to the homeless or even covering the cost of dessert for a mens recovery program on Thanksgiving, hangry was ready to support those wanting to help in their community!


" As I was checking things off my list for my small groups thanksgiving day serve, I realized a grave error. NO PIE!!! I didn’t even have to call as Hangry had been in touch after seeing my need on social media. They helped secure enough pumpkin pies to treat the 175+ meals we served that weekend.

Hangry continues to put our group in winning positions to serve and love our community, while fighting the issue of food insecurity! "

- Evan, hangry hero




through community support we were able to raise over $12,500!


over 75% of our total expenses were used to fill the pantry shelves!

*full financials will be available by april 15th


how can you get involved?

here are 3 steps for YOU to take action and help fight the issue of hunger in our communities!


1) follow us on social media to keep up to date with whats going on

2) spread the word while wearing some comfortable gear

Click to view a PDF version of our 2021 Impact Report.

Want to get more involved with hangry? Email Jonathan (jonathan@wearehangry.com) to set up a time to chat.

3) your financial support allows us to continue reaching those in need