hangry partners in the community

we don’t have sponsors, we have partners

hangry is all about community, through and through. That is why we say we don’t have sponsors, but we have partners. Sponsors just write a check to have their name placed on a banner or flyer, and then just go on about their business. Our partners not only provide financial contribution but more importantly they come alongside us as they are just as angry about those living with the issue of hunger as we are.

The work we do could not be accomplished without the support of our partners. These businesses have made a statement that they want to be a part of the solution of fighting the issue of hunger that is devastating our communities.

Are you hangry and interested in coming alongside us? Contact us today at info@wearehangry.com


founding partners


in-kind partners

hangry partner qualified apparel fort worth texas

connect with us on the socials @gethangryendhunger